The Root Canal Process: Step-by-Step Guide to What to Expect

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the root canal process step by step guide to what to expect
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Alright! You’ve firmly decided to not hide your awesome smile, but have you found a good root canal treatment near you? Have you gathered all the information one needs to know for the therapy? Are you anxious about the steps, the aftercare and the alternative? If not! Let us help you understand everything you need to know about root canal treatment, so you can make informed decisions.

Understanding Root Canal

Root canal therapy is an important procedure you need to take if you need to repair your damaged tooth. Sure it is painful, but we present you with a quick guide which will help in building the right mindset. So let us answer a few common concerns.

A. When should you get a root canal treatment?

If you experience the following you might need to opt for tooth canal therapy:

  • Facing difficulty in chewing and biting due to prolonged pain.
  • Pain that worsens over time.
  • Damaged tooth due to injury.
  • Swelling in the gum supporting the affected tooth.
  • Discoloration of tooth.
  • Increased sensitivity due to cold or hot meals.

B. Why should you get a root canal treatment?

Benefits of root canal therapy:

  • The therapy efficiently eradicates the pain from the source. This allows you to eat, speak, and move your mouth freely and comfortably.
  • It prevents the spread of bad bacteria which is caused in case you leave the tooth untreated.
  • Root canal therapy is a convenient and affordable way to preserve your natural smile. How? Well, in a way it is better compared to a tooth implant which is a costly and lengthy procedure.

C. What is exactly root canal therapy?

  • Root canal treatment is a procedure to remove the infected pulp tissue in your teeth. It consists of three stages; the diagnosis, the treatment and the healing/restoration.
  • Here the dentist makes a canal to access the roots of your infected tooth, removes it and fills it with a biocompatible material.
  • By eliminating and preventing the infection it helps in maintaining the structural integrity of your teeth. Hence, the therapy helps you in preserving your natural smile.

What is the Procedure for Root Canal Treatment?

We are breaking down the entirety of the procedure into three essential steps. The diagnosis, the treatment, and the crown placement.

Root Canal Therapy Procedure
Step 1 Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
  • The dental expert first evaluates the stage of infection by taking an X-ray, they also look at your medical history to determine the type of anesthesia, and lastly, decide the time and goals of the treatment.
  • Diagnosis results in the chances of one of the following stages. 
    • Infection in tooth pulp often results in inflammation and swelling.
    • The wide spread of infection results in damaged tissues.
    • The formation of abscesses results in nerve damage.
  • After a thorough diagnosis, the dentist will provide you with all the results and information.
Step 2 The Treatment
  • Anesthesia: To numb the area around your affected tooth dentist uses local anesthesia. However, if you have dental anxiety there is another option. For example, dental clinics providing root canal therapy in Spruce Grove offer sedation options.
  • Accessing and Cleaning:  An opening is made in your teeth to reach the infected area. Then dead nerves and blood cells are removed using instruments. Lastly, the dentist cleans the root canal to remove debris and bacteria.
  • Filling and Sealing: A rubber-like biocompatible particle is used to fill the tooth opening. Finally, the canal is sealed, restricting further development of infection in your tooth.
Step 3 Restoration with Crown Placement
  • After removing the temporary filling crown placement is the next stage. 
  • A crown does the work of strengthening tooth structure and restoring its function. 
  • The permanent crown replaces your temporary filling allowing you to move on to the next stage.

How do I Prepare for the Procedure?

Sure when going through the steps you may find the procedure a bit painful. However, if you are prepared for the procedure beforehand it will help you with your anxiety. On top of that, it ensures your root canal therapy procedure is conducted smoothly too.

  • Avoid intake of tobacco before the procedure. They can interfere with the anesthesia.
  • Opt for a light meal. It helps you with the numbness that you feel after the procedure.
  • Always consult your local dentist. They have your medical history, they provide effective medications, can answer your concerns, and you can reach out to them in case of emergencies.

Top 5 Tips for Aftercare in Root Canal Therapy

When it comes to dental therapies and procedures, healing stages are as important as the therapy itself. Now these are some tips advised by our expert dentists in Spruce Grove. Let’s have a quick look at them, shall we?

  1. Avoid smoking or consumption of tobacco in any way. It affects the pace at which your tooth heals.
  2. Stick to soft food, restrict extremely cold, and hot beverages.
  3. Take prescribed medications for pain management and ice for swelling.
  4. Maintain a healthy oral hygiene. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with warm salt water.
  5. Be consistent with your dental checkups, and oral hygiene habits. Also, complete the entire course of antibiotics and consult your local dentist in case you face any complications.

Visit Queen Dental for Expert Your Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is an important procedure for your oral health. It removes infection caused by a cavity or injuries. This infection reaches the nerve and spreads across the area surrounding the tooth. If you are looking for an expert dental clinic to safely proceed with your root canal therapy, Visit Queen Dentist in Spruce Grove. We are always here to guide you and help you restore your natural smile.