Maintaining Your Dental Bridges for Long-Term Success

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Maintaining Your Dental Bridges for Long-Term Success

If you have a dental bridge and you’re looking for effective ways to maintain it, don’t worry! Your dental team is at your disposal. Visit our dental clinic to learn more about this treatment and how it can positively impact your smile.

Understanding Dental Bridges

A dental bridge fills the gap left by missing teeth. It has two or more crowns on the teeth next to the gap (abutment teeth) and a false tooth (pontic) in between. Dental bridges near you be made from porcelain, gold, alloys, or a mix of these materials.

Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

For a healthy smile, It’s essential to clean your bridge daily. This includes the following:

1. Brush: Twice daily, use a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. Clean around your bridge to avoid plaque buildup.

2. Floss: Use special floss or a threader to clean under and between the bridge every day.

3. Rinse: Use antibacterial mouthwash for fresh breath and fewer bacteria.

Regular Dental Checkups

Regular visits to your dentist are vital. Your dentist can:

  • Check the Fit: Ensure that your bridge still fits properly and isn’t causing any discomfort or issues.
  • Professional Cleaning: Perform a thorough cleaning to remove tartar and plaque that you might miss with daily brushing and flossing.
  • Monitor Oral Health: Detect any potential problems early, such as decay in the abutment teeth or gum disease, and treat them promptly.

Dietary Considerations

What you eat can impact the longevity of your dental bridges. Here are some tips on dietary habits:

  • Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods: Foods like caramel, hard candies, and nuts can damage or dislodge your bridge. Opt for easier-to-chew, softer foods.
  • Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks: Sugar promotes tooth decay, which can affect your abutment teeth. Choose healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, and dairy products.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and bacteria, promoting oral health.

Whether you have a single tooth bridge or another style of restoration, opting for softer foods will maintain the struclure’s condition and prevent complications.

Habits to Avoid

Certain habits can negatively impact your dental bridges and overall oral health. Here are a few to be mindful of:

  1. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Grinding or clenching your teeth can cause significant damage to your dental bridge. If you have this habit, speak to your dentist about getting a mouthguard to protect your teeth and bridge while you sleep.
  2. Using Teeth as Tools: Avoid using your teeth to open packages or bite non-food items. This can easily damage your bridge and natural teeth.
  3. Smoking: Smoking can stain your bridge, lead to gum disease, and generally compromise your oral health. Quitting smoking benefits not just your dental bridge but your overall health.

Addressing Issues Promptly

If you’re having trouble with your dental bridge, such as it being loose, uncomfortable, or hard to clean, don’t just let it be. Get in touch with your Spruce Grove dentist right away. Addressing these issues early on can help avoid more significant problems later and make your bridge last longer.

Benefits of Proper Maintenance

  • Longevity: Dental bridges can last ten years or longer if you take good care of them.
  • Functionality: Properly cared-for bridges work just like natural teeth, meaning you can enjoy your favourite foods and speak confidently.
  • Aesthetics: Ensure your smile dazzles by keeping your bridge spotlessly clean.

Need Assistance?

Want to keep your bridges looking tremendous and lasting years? It’s easier than you think! At Queen Street Dental, we believe in the power of simple, daily actions. Brush and floss carefully, choose your foods wisely and make regular visits to your dentist a non-negotiable part of your schedule.

By embracing these habits, you’re not just taking care of your bridges but investing in a healthier, happier smile that will thank you for years to come!

At Queen Street Dental, we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy, confident smile. Our dentist in Spruce Grove is ready to provide optimal dental care. Don’t wait—book your appointment today, and let us help you keep smiling brightly.